Free Flashcards for DipWSET D4: Sparkling Wines   

DECK Number 7

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[h] DipWSET D4 SET 7 Asti

[i] DipWSET D4 – Sparkling WInes Flashcards

SET 7 Asti


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[q] What are the maximum yields?

[a] 75hL/ha for tank method wines

[q] Describe the climate in Asti DOCG

[a] Moderate continental.

Cold winters, hot dry summers.

Adequate rainfall, most in spring and autumn causing a risk at fruit set

[q] What kind of landscape are the grapes grown on?

[a] Hillsides, for better sunlight interception and better drainage.

Preference for limestone and clay soils

[q] What is the grape variety for used for Moscato?

[a] Moscato Bianco (Italian)

Muscat Blanc a Petit Grains (French)

[q] Describe the characteristics of a typical Moscato

[a] Pronounced orange blossom, grapes and peach.

Medium acidity, low alcohol and sweet.

Good to very good quality, inexpensive or mid-priced.

Moscato d’Asti – lower alcohol, semi-sparkling and higher RS than Asti

Asti Spumante – higher alcohol and fully sparkling

[q] What are the three provinces that the Asti and Moscato d’Asti DOCG area covers?

[a] Asti, Alexandria and Cuneo (all in Piemonte)

[q] When is harvest typically?

[a] Early-mid September, before the October autumn rains.

Asti Spumante – Slightly earlier to retain more acidity

Moscat d’Asti – slightly later for aromatic intensity

[q] Describe the typical training and trellising method.


Why is this suitable?

[a] Medium density planting

Guyot trained with VSP.

Suitable because Guyot can help with over-cropping.

VSP ensures good exposure and helps reduce humidity and therefore disease pressure

[q] What is the typical harvest method?

[a] It must be by hand when the slopes are steep, or when whole bunches are desired, but is increasingly mechanical when possible

[q] What kind of soils are vines planted on?

[a] Most aromatic juice comes from limestone, but commercial success means that vines are also grown on clay 

[q] What are the negative outcomes for the two phase winemaking approach?

[a] Large investment is required for presses, flotation tanks, filtration/centrifuge and refrigeration space. Ongoing energy costs are large.

Mostly large companies are responsible for production

[q] What happens to the grapes when the enter the winery?

[a] Whole pressed if picked by hand, or pressed quickly to retain freshness if already destemmed/crushed.

The must will then be clarified

[q] Describe typical characteristics of Moscato Bianco (6)

[a] Early budding


Small berries

Prone to powdery and botrytis

Thin skins, and attracts insects

Clonal selection used to make more disease resistant, perfumed, higher yielding

[q] Describe the fermentation process

[a] Pressure resistant, temperature controlled. Long and cool at 16-18C to retain primary aromas.

Fermentation begins with CO2 escaping through a valve, then when desired pressure/sugar level is reached the valve is closed.

Sweetness comes from grape sugar and not dosage 

[q] How is the wine to be consumed?

[a] It is released after a few weeks and intended to be drunk young

[q] How is harvest date decided?

[a] The desired ripeness and importantly how much acidity remains in the grapes. (important for balance)

[q] What happens to the must after it is clarified?

[a] It is chilled, and stored at 2-3C in order to maintain as much freshness as possible. It can be kept for up to two years

[q] What are the two different phases of production for Asti Spumante and Moscato d’Asti?

[a] Production, clarification and filtration of the must followed by chilling and storage

A single fermentation of the warmed up must when required by demand

[q] Describe the ownership of production

[a] Four companies produce more than 60% of all wine.


Martini & Rossi is the largest

[q] What are the production methods allowed for Asti Metodo Classico?

[a] Second fermentation in bottle.

Minimum nine months on lees.

Dolce in sweetness (50g/L)

[q] Yeast? MLF? Why?

[a] Neutral, cultured yeasts. No MLF. Preserving primary aromas

[q] What are the alcohol, pressure and sweetness level requirements for Moscato d’Asti?

[a] 4.5-6.5% ABV

Sweeter that Asti, at around 130g/L.

Pressure must not exceed 2.5 atmospheres (frizzante)

[q] What are the three kinds of Asti wines being promoted by the Asti Consorzio?

[a] Moscato d’Asti

Asti Secco

Asti/Asti Dolce

[q] Where are Asti and Moscato d’Asti mostly sold?

[a] Asti – Europe


Moscato d’Asti – USA

[q] What is the production balance between Asti and Moscato d’Asti?

[a] 70/30 Asti/Moscato d’Asti

[q] What role to co-ops play in the region?


An important one. They provide the chilled, clarified juice to big producers who then carry out fermentation

[q] What was the traditional alcohol and sweetness level fro Asti DOCG and what is it now?

[a] Traditionally – 6-8% ABV and sweet at approx 100g/L

Now – open ended, at least 6% ABV allowing for drier styles – Extra Dry – Dolce, effectively 12g/L and above. Brut Nature is being developed

[q] Who is the marketing/promotional body for Asti?

[a] The Asti Consorzio (consortium) which is part of the Piemonte Land of Perfection

[q] What kind of landscape are the grapes grown on?

[a] Hillsides, for better sunlight interception and better drainage.

Preference for limestone and clay soils

[q] Describe the climate in Asti DOCG

[a] Moderate continental.

Cold winters, hot dry summers

Adequate rainfall, most in spring and autumn causing a risk at fruit set

[q] What are the maximum yields?

[a] 75hL/ha for tank method wines

[q] What do smaller producers do with their Moscato grapes?

[a] Quality minded producers will send their grapes to a specialist to be made and sold under their own label, or will sell their Moscato grapes to sparkling wine firms

[q] What is the grape variety for used for Moscato?

[a] Moscato Bianco (Italian)

Muscat Blanc a Petit Grains (French)

[q] What are the three provinces that the Asti and Moscato d’Asti DOCG area covers?

[a] Asti, Alexandria and Cuneo (all in Piemonte)

[x] GOOD JOB!! [restart]



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