“Verjus” is a French term (that has been literally translated as ‘verjuice’ in English) used to designate the juice made from unripe grapes. This ‘Verjus’ has many variations and many culinary uses, especially in dressings and sauces.

Verjus (Verjuice)

Its main advantage is that it adds acidity to a plate without being in conflict with any glass of wine served (unlike the vinegar that does not pair well with a wine).

Traditionally in many countries of the world, it is produced from unripe berries from second crop berries that are unripe at harvest or from underripe grapes.

One technique involves pressing the grapes and then salting the partially fermented yet extremely volatile juice. The grapes can also be boiled prior to pressing in order to kill the yeast and stop fermentation, but they must then be consumed right away or frozen.

In order to avoid “verjus” fermenting, most commercial producers gently crush the grapes, let the juice cool, and then filter it before packaging.

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