a)     Presentation

The Système de Management Environnemental (SME) du Vin de Bordeaux is in fact the local version of a European certification called Emas. The Emas, eco-management and audit scheme, or environmental management and audit system, is a European certification allowing any type of organization to have its environmental responsibility approach recognized.

To be eligible for “Emas” registration, the organization must demonstrate that it has adopted a strategy and action plan addressing the main environmental issues, carry out an audit and have an environmental statement validated by an accredited independent verifier.

b)     Main guidelines

The Emas regulation is based on the international environmental management system standard ISO 14001, with additional requirements.

The Bordeaux Wine Environmental Management System (EMS) is the only approach that leads to dual ISO 14001 certification as well as HVE. If you are willing and without prerequisites, the SME is open to all professionals in the Bordeaux wine sector.

Within this unique approach, the company has the possibility of enhancing both its activity and its products by combining 2 different official certifications (ISO 14001, level 2, focused on the activity is run) and its product (HVE, level 3, focused on how the product is made).

c)     An example of a certified winery in Bordeaux

A fine example within the Bordeaux vineyard is Château Labrousse (AOC Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux) which holds SME certification.

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