One of the official logos for the ISO14001 certification

a)     Presentation

ISO 14001 certification concerns environmental management. It is defined as the way in which a company will take into account the environmental impact of its activities, how it assesses this impact and how it reduces it. This standard therefore requires compliance with the principle of continuous improvement of the environmental performance of a company, by controlling the environmental impacts related to its activity.

b)     Main guidelines

The ISO14001 standard defines the criteria allowing it to certify the existence of an environmental management system. It offers a framework that companies or organizations can apply to set up an effective environmental management system.

ISO14001 establishes the requirements associated with guidelines for implementing the standard within the framework of environmental systems. It also takes into consideration specific approaches such as audits, communications, labeling and life cycle analysis, and also addresses the environmental challenges associated with climate change.

c)     An example of a certified winery in Bordeaux

Chateau Gayon was one of the first Bordeaux vineyards to be ISO 14001 certified (2011), it is now Terra Vitis certified.

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