Based on the density of the grape juice, the “OECHSLE” scale aids in determining grape sugars and, consequently, grape maturity. A 75° Oechsle grape juice is one with a specific gravity of 1.075. This is the method employed in Germany, and it was first devised by the Wüttemberg scientist J.J. Reuss. Ferdinand Oechsle, a physicist from Pforzheim, greatly improved it in the 1830s.

Similar to other scales employed elsewhere (see “BAUMÉ”, “BRIX”, and “BALLING”), it can be measured using a hydrometer or refractometer that has been properly calibrated. Austria uses a similar scale that was developed at Klosternenburg.
Each scale of sugar measurement relayed to the others. For example, a grape juice of 14.7° “BRIX” has a specific gravity of 1.06 and an Oechsle value of (1.06 – 1.0)*1000 = 60

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