What are the 6 methods to make sparkling wines?
There are 6 different methods used to make sparkling wines that has been developed throughout history…
There are 6 different methods used to make sparkling wines that has been developed throughout history…
‘Methode traditionnelle’ is a French term that can be literally translated as ‘Traditional Method’ in English. A ‘Traditional Method’ sparkling wine can also be referred to as ‘Methode Champenoise’ (= a method from the Champagne region) because this method is emblematic of Champagne wine production…
Chardonnay is a grape variety that is particularly well suited to the production of sparkling wines thanks to its intrinsic qualities: high acidity, subtlety of aromas, adaptability to cold climates, ability to develop interesting autolytic notes…
The town of ‘Byblos’ is located in Lebanon, 40 kilometers North of Beirut. ‘Byblos’ is the name given by the Greeks to the city called ‘Goubla’ in cuneiform texts and ‘Gebal’ in biblical texts. It is located today on the site of the modern city of Jbeil…
“Oenotria” was the name given to southern Italy when Greek colonists first arrived there around 8th century BC. This name is derived from the ancient Greek οἶνος (oinos) literally meaning “wine”, ‘oenotria’ meaning the ‘land of wine’…
The wood used to ferment and/or age a wine has a profound and multifaceted effect on its characteristics and flavors. Notwithstanding the type of wood used which greatly impact the flavor profile of a wine (vanilla, coconut…), certain substances found in wood may be incorporated and metabolized directly into the wine…
The State of Missouri produced more wine in the 1860s than the States of California and New York put together. A significant inflow of Germans migrants led to a boom in wine production in the Missouri river valley, west of Saint Louis…
The “Methuen Treaty” was an agreement made between Britain and Portugal in 1703 that gave Portuguese products preferential treatment in Britain and promoted the importation of Portuguese wines…
Located in the center of the Rheingau region, Germany’s “Steinberg” is a famous old vineyard. The 1135-founded Eberbach Abbey (or “Kloster Erbach” in German), is regarded as the region’s historical core…
In the midst of the heroic fight against phylloxera era, we discovered that the harmful bug was hibernating on the vine’s roots during the winter period …(click to read more)…